Every person and every group have different tastes when it comes to dining. Where to sit in a restaurant can also be a problem. So, in Sulu Garden we complicate your choices even more by having a variety of indoor and outdoor dining spaces.

For those who enjoy sitting under the shade, we have dining tables under the mango/bougainvillea trees and also under the talisay tree. There is also a cozy table under the open skies, perfect for that late afternoon tea or dinner. All have a beautiful view of the creek and the Spanish era stone bridge. Across the creek is the mini forest of University of the Philippines Visayas.

Top photo by Nick Foster. Photo below by Norman Posecion.
We almost forgot another favorite place–the romantic table under the trellis in the middle of the garden. So many have fallen in love, have proposed marriage or couples who have celebrated a private dinner in that same spot.
If under the shade tree isn’t your style, then there is the covered dining area also with a view of the garden, the mini forest and the bridge.We tend to call this the blue hut simply because the ceiling is colored blue. We will think of a better name later when we change the colors.
The Japanese Tea House is a favorite place for many, especially teens and kids. Entry can be via the stepping stones over the koi pond or via a side entrance. Like any traditional Japanese tea house, the tables are low and must sit on the polished mahogany floor. For those not used to sitting on hard floors, we got some pillows to add some comfort.

Indoor dining is composed of the main dining hall which transforms into an event hall for big parties. This may range from elegant dining for up to 100+ persons or a disco party for 400+. On typical days, dining in the main hall comes with other amenities: free use of our unique fish (foot spa), our vintage 1977 ceramic chess set and an oversized set of Chinese checkers. Behind the round red door is our aquaponics garden, woodworking shop and an art studio.
For more private meetings or for those who would prefer the comfort of an air conditioned dining area, our Private Dining room is available. This area can comfortably sit 30 persons in a room with tables and chairs handcrafted by our master carpenters. You will not feel so enclosed because the room has a unique rounded window that looks into the fish pond, a large bay window that gives a view of the mini forest and a window that overlooks the gardens.
Sulu Garden’s WATERING HOLE. The Bar is always a lively place for a drink, meet friends, wait for friends or simply enjoy a meal when alone. There is always someone there to talk with and also see the hustle and bustle of the counter, the kitchen and people coming to and from.